Existing Garden Areas

A Variety of Sizes, Shapes, and Sun Access

The site survey shows 13 existing garden areas that are currently planted as gardens or are spaces that could be planted as gardens.

1. Curb strip. Planted with grass, one tree, and includes a fire hydrant.

2. Front hill. Pollinator garden in lower left, surrounded by an arc of ever green shrubs and weeds on the east and west edges.

3. Raised beds. 4 raised vegetable and herb garden beds with drip irrigation, surrounded by a deer fence

4. Shrubs between driveway and porch. Evergreen and ornamentals west of the entry stairs to the house

5. Shrubs between porch and neighbor’s driveway. Evergreen and ornamentals east of the entry stairs to the house

6. East strip. Shadowed evergreen low shrubs between house and curb of neighbor’s driveway. Fence demarcating the backyard the northern boundary of strip.

7. Patio triangle. Lilies, phlox and other flowers that bloom from spring through late summer.

8. Semicircle. Flower bed that blooms from spring through late summer.

9. Fence Strip. Small bed of hydrangea shadowed by European beech tree.

10. Grass lawn.

11. Terraced beds. Along garage planted with a Japanese maple tree, flowers, and evergreen shrubs.

12. Terraced beds. Along back fence planted with flowers and evergreen shrubs.

13. Strip of forsythia and evergreens. Along driveway, and shaded area along west side of garage.