Elevation and Aspect


The front yard is about 30 feet from the house to the sidewalk. The land is flat from the house to the front slate entry walk running from the front door to the driveway. There is a line of shrubs next to the walk, on the south side, and then a steep slope down to the sidewalk. We measured the slope using a level string starting at the top of the slope, measuring the height (rise) at the sidewalk and the length from the top of the slope to the sidewalk (run). The rise is 5 feet with a run of 12 feet, giving us a slope of 42% or a grade of 23 degrees.

The contour lines below show the slope rising from 293 feet above sea level at the sidewalk to 300 feet at the walkway/house level.

The back yard has a slight slope back to front, and is about 302 feet above sea level at the back of the house.


The front yard faces south.

Source: Contour Lines, Graham Terrace